What we Offer

We at Relationships at Work transform people and companies from fear and conflict to peace and profits.  We do that through our speaking, training, coaching, and mediating services and programs. All serve to bring the heart and brain together to help leaders and others create the psychological safety that people need to be productive and creative.

Discover what we can do for you!


The Agile Leader

Today’s advancing Supervisor, Manager and Leader often possess the technical knowledge to promote up in an organization yet often lack the people knowledge to manage and lead people effectively.  Growing out of Dr. D’s doctoral dissertation on “The Psychology of Good Bosses vs. Bad Bosses, her 90-day Leading Consciously Now program is designed to expand the mindset and transform leadership styles to include the “people” skills critical for the success of today’s effective leader.  Avoid the risky business of bad bossing before it puts you, those around you, and your organization at risk for lawsuits and costly downfalls.

The Agile Workplace

Life happens!  At some point, we may all be faced with a medical condition, or know someone close, while still trying to work.  How we manage these changes in life circumstances, either as the employer or as the employee, can make a world of difference in how we get through difficult times.  When our health is threatened…when our work is impacted…it creates a world of uncertainty and fear on both sides.  Today’s work world is filled with various laws that protect both employee and employer rights when it comes to medical conditions that impact the ability to be at work, stay at work and perform the work.  Navigating the interactive process (TIP) and through the maze of laws can be tricky.  Fortunately, solutions are available.

The Agile Lawyer

Coming soon!

Diving Deeper

“Reaching a goal starts with an understanding of the present situation.” Dive deeper through the world of Assessments to uncover your core communication style, how it shows up and how you impact others.  Discover the behaviors that come across in conflict and you don’t even know it.    Develop communication strategies that reflect your Emotional Intelligence and strengthens your leadership at every level.

A Few of Our Clients