Conflict Management Style
The quiz below allows you to reflect on how you handle conflict. Having some fun around an animal theme, we can then better understand our own style as well as the styles of others.
While doing this activity, keep in mind that all conflict management styles have their strengths and weakness. Make sure to point out that there is no "right" way to handle conflict, and people's management styles may change based on the situation they are in.
What to do: There are 15 statements. Each presents an approach for dealing with conflict. Using a rating scale of 1 to 5, mark your number for each.
1 = Rarely, if ever, 2 = Not very often, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Very often, 5 = Always
Answer as you actually behave, not the way you think you should!
Scoring: The letters corresponding to the 15 statements above are listed below under five animal categories. Each category contains the letters of three statements. Record the number you placed next to each statement. Calculate the total under each category.
Competing/Forcing Shark

Collaborating Owl

Avoiding Turtle

Accommodating Teddy Bear

Compromising Fox

My dominant style is (Your Highest score)
My back-up style is (Your second Highest score)
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