The trip to Belize in February seems a world away! Did it really happen? I have the photos to remind me, I have the thoughts and experiences to remember, but the world we live in today is very different to the world I left behind on January 31st. [Read more . . .]
Decoding the Conflict Mindset
Six Ways to Leverage Your Mindset and Uncover Unconscious Bias, Part 1
I started out the year celebrating a very BIG birthday in February. The planning started several months in advance as I thought about where I wanted to spend my special day. A true milestone in the life of living! I decided on a trip to Belize, a country [Read more . . .]
Looking ahead to a brand new year …
Happy New Year to my Friends, Family & Community With a fresh New Year upon us, it’s that time of the year when people make resolutions and promises to fulfill in the coming year. The most common are intentions to lose/gain weight, to live a healthier lifestyle, or develop [Read more . . .]
The Science of Compassion
The Science of Compassion – How You Show Up Matters Do you know that 70% of all people who seek medical attention for headaches find out there’s no organic reason? It’s simply stress! Do you know that a recent study found that 40% of the workforce is on [Read more . . .]
Being Present in the Age of Urgency!
“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.’ ~Thich Nhat Hahn No matter how out-of-control your day is, no matter how stressful your job or life becomes, the act of being present can become an oasis. What are we busy doing? In our urgent world, [Read more . . .]
What Gives You Joy?
It’s a simple question I asked myself this past year that led me to some big and small life changes. One of the big changes was seeing my oldest graduate from college. Another was preparing for the loss of yet another sibling due to cancer. And, yet another [Read more . . .]
E.Q. vs. I.Q. Six ways to build psychological safety
Feeling unsafe is an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, it’s a risky business to be in. It’s a direct threat to a sense of survival, automatically triggering a fight, flight or freeze response. This response is biologically innate and a characteristic of all animals. Bad bossing makes us feel [Read more . . .]
The Power of Connections: Emotional Intelligence at Work
With a particular emphasis on women in leadership, Dr. D presents to listeners the four components of emotional intelligence, how to develop mindfulness, building upon the natural characteristics of women that work well, and not so well, at work, and how to own (be accountable) for our emotional reactions.