Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Tool

What is your EQ?

WHAT TO DO: There are 20 statements. Each represents an awareness in the 4 areas of E.Q.

Using a rating scale of 1 to 5, mark your number selected for each.

1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = usually, 5 = always

Answer honestly, not the way you think you should

1. I am aware of the physical reactions (twinges, aches, sudden changes) that signal a "gut reaction."

2. I readily admit mistakes and apologize.

3. When I feel angry I can still stay composed.

4. I generally have an accurate idea of how another person perceives me during a particular interaction.

5. In assessing a situation, I look at my biases and adjust my assessment accordingly.

6. I can keep going on a project, despite obstacles.

7. I can engage in an interaction with another and pretty well size-up that person's mood based on non-verbal signals.

8. Others feel encouraged after talking to me.

9. I consider my "emotional temperature" before I make important decisions.

10. When I feel a strong impulse to do something, I usually pause to reflect and decide whether I really want to act on it.

11. I can deal calmly, sensitively, and proactively with the emotional displays of others.

12. I can identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment.

13. I am able to honestly say how I feel without getting others upset.

14. I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction.

15. I think about the emotions behind my actions.

16. I am respected and liked by others, even when they don't agree with me.

17. I watch how others react to me to understand which of my own behaviors are effective and which are not.

18. I am good at managing my moods, and I refrain from bringing negative emotions to work.

19. It's easy to understand why other people feel the way they do.

20. I can effectively persuade others to adopt my point of view without coercing them.

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Scoring the Tool

Here’s how you show up…the lowest scores are areas to develop to increase your E.Q..








Interpreting Your Score

Scores may range from a low of 5 to a high of 25. Any score below 18 is an area for improvement.

Emotional Intelligence (E.Q) is learnable, developmental and eye opening.

#1 to work on:

#2 to work on:

Adapted from Emily A. Sterrett, PhD, in the Manager's Guide to Emotional Intelligence 2000, HRD Press: Amherst, MA and from The Handbook of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership by Dy Daniel E. Feldman, 1999, Leadership Performance Solutions.

When you're done

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