Setting Up For Success, Not Failure: IPMs! – With guest speaker Felicia Amenta

Navigating the maze of laws around employees with medical conditions when their ability to be at work, stay at work and perform the work can be a dauting task. Dr. Debra Dupree hosts special guest Felicia Amenta on MINDSET Mondays for The Interactive Process (TIP) as they explore several key topics that betwixt and bewilder employers and employees alike. What do you do when there are multiple doctors’ notes and they conflict? How is the employee paid while trying to figure out when and how to bring the employee back to work? What are the benefits of temporary modified work and what happens when it ends? How and when do employment law attorneys get involve?

Felicia Amenta has over 30 years of experience in the workers’ compensation arena working with insurance companies, employers, third party administrators, health care providers, and self-insured public entities. She is a subject matter expert with a wealth of information, particularly when employees have work-related conditions.

Dr. Debra Dupree, host of MINDSET Mondays, is an experienced workplace mediator with nearly 30 years of experience mediating all types of workplace issues, including the Interactive Process for medical conditions as well as Title VII protections (discrimination, harassment, hostile workplace and retaliation). She is called upon by employers and employees throughout the Western States to resolve discrepancies and reduce workplace conflict.

MINDSET Mondays is a bi-weekly podcast series. The 1st Monday of the month focuses on Leading Consciously Now with the 3rd Monday dedicated to The Interactive Process for employees with medical conditions. Sign-up to receive our announcements by clicking here: