The Real Cost of Workplace Conflict: What Employers Need to Know!

Oftentimes, conflicts between people are less overt, such as subtle forms of harassment or bullying. “Subtle harassment and bullying is a systems problem often supported unknowingly by management” which is in direct conflict with California laws AB 1825 and AB 2053! Gallup’s 2008 study entitled “State of the American Workplace” and another by the Consulting Psychologist Press on “Workplace Conflict and How Businesses Can Harness It To Thrive” revealed some startling facts that caused American businesses to stand up and take notice. Here are the top five reasons for workplace conflict…

personality clashes – 49%
stress – 34%
workload – 33%
poor leadership – 29%
lack of honesty – 26%

Three Ways to be the Smartest, Most Respected Leader

As a corporate trainer and workplace mediator, these findings intrigued me. If two simple things like this were the most important to employees, what were managers and leaders doing, or not doing? What was getting in the way of employees being more productive, being satisfied at work, and growing the bottom line? Take a walk with the 3-D Experience to create solutions to strengthen performance and increase profitability by reducing conflict.


The Dayton Chapter of Women of Teradata recently sponsored a webinar on Emotional Intelligence by Dr. Debra Dupree, Relationships at Work, Inc. on April 8, 2015. This program was designed to educate and enhance awareness of participants on how to build Emotional Intelligence at home and at work.  [Read more . . .]

Ten Steps to Leadership Excellence

March 11-12, 2015:  Two days with the United States Marine Corps Logistic Base (MCLB), Barstow, CA and Dr. Debra Dupree, sponsored by SKILLPATH Corporate Strategies. A good leader is the lifeblood of any organization. Under his or her direction, your team knows where it’s headed, understands what’s expected and [Read more . . .]