I survived COVID-19, but my waistline didn’t – with guest speaker Leslie Hastings

MINDSET Mondays is all about insights and perspectives about how to live life differently. Certainly with the COVID-19 umbrella, LIFE IS DIFFERENT! It’s changed our world, our life, and our reality.

But that doesn’t mean that we can’t draw upon life’s experiences from the past to shape our futures. Where are we NOW and WHERE can we influence a change for the FUTURE!

Read on to learn how Leslie reshaped her life…and her weight! Something all to be mindful as we move forward in a new and different life living with COVID-19.

So WHO is our guest? Leslie has over 20 years experience as a writer and personal coach. She began struggling with her weight at age 11 and fought the “battle of the bulge” for 35 years. In her 40’s, she discovered the secret to permanent weight management and has spent the last 10 years helping others to do the same.

So listen and learn as Dr. D and Leslie Hastings remind us that we are first human Beings and not human Doings. While behavior plays a part in success, it is our internal power that HAS to come to the forefront. We are on the cusp of a new understanding of our own capabilities.

In this podcast, Dr. D asks Leslie:

How did you get started with this process?

What was your biggest challenge or stumbling block?

What is the biggest advantage to using this approach instead of traditional diets and exercise?

Do recommend clients use diets or exercise along with your techniques?

What is the biggest hurdle for your clients? (practice and persistence)

What can you do to make a difference in YOUR LIFE? Small and simple changes manifest HUGE results. Click here to download your Emotional Survival Guide to post-COVID-19 and how to fit into your Skinny Jeans again! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/sr4AaOn/LeslieHastings?mode=preview&source_id=62951c58-b7e5-4364-bdc9-076dda17220f&source_type=em&c=

To further expand your MINDSET, click here for 3 Steps to MINDSET Shift: https://relationships-at-work.com/diving-deeper/

Thanks for listening…Dr. D – The MINDSET Doc.